The Mini-LAB project is a unique project. By having access to a full-scale aircraft and at the same time having a scaled down aircraft to compare it with, we can actually validate our set of tools and assumptions. This is important, because we need to electrify aviation in order to obtain zero emission within the upcoming decades.
Taking the pilot out of the control loop
By flying the scaled model and by having access to the full-sized platform, accurate measuring and comparison can be done. By using a very precise autopilot, it is possible to achieve a high reproducibility of flight patterns which humans could never achieve.
A more sustainable aviation sector
Multiple scaled aircrafts have been built in the past, but none are an exact copy of its original. This makes predictions on future models difficult, inaccurate and uncertain. By using a validated toolset in order to predict behaviour from a smaller scale to a full scale, we believe that we can significantly reduce the timelines that those innovations will require. Therefore, our predictions can get better and will allow researchers to test unconventional aircraft configurations in a significantly shorter amount of time.